The common image of OCD is that of a person who needs their surroundings to be clean and tidy 24/7, or of somebody washing their hands more often than normal. While these examples can be an element of some people’s suffering, many others experience OCD in different ways as the condition itself is more complex. To simplify, obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health condition characterised by repeated intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.
Around 1.1% of the UK population are affected by OCD. While that may not appear to be a huge number at first glance, it translates into 12 in every 1000 people in the UK suffering from the condition. People of all ages are affected by OCD, although the symptoms normally appear in adolescence. While it can feel alienating, you are by no means alone.
OCD occurs when a person engages in compulsive behaviours in an attempt to escape the distressing emotions that have been generated by repeated intrusive thoughts. OCD is a subset of anxiety as the sufferer may consciously know their thoughts and compulsive actions are irrational, but they feel they do not have control over them as they occur so frequently.
Often created in the brain as a stress response and occurring in those with a predilection to anxiety, OCD can persist as the sufferer feels temporary relief from performing whichever actions they feel soothes the stress caused by intrusive thoughts. Until you undertake therapy to treat the condition however, long-term relief from OCD may allude you. Those living with OCD in Hendon and Canary Wharf should seek out Bridges Therapy Centre as the trained therapists will perform a psychological assessment and proceed to devise a plan of action tailored to you individually.
When you choose to treat your OCD at Bridges Therapy Centre, whether in Hendon or Canary Wharf, you gain access to a variety of therapies designed to help you overcome the disorder. The treatment on offer to you is always personalised to help you as an individual upon determination of your psychological profile, and every therapist is fully certified.
If you want to learn new coping mechanisms that are healthy and productive in tackling OCD, Canary Wharf and Hendon residents should book in with our certified therapists to begin their healing journey. OCD impedes your quality of life as you are subjected to intrusive thoughts that feel overwhelming and your time is spent trying to tackle your feelings of unease rather than pursuing daily activities that help you thrive in life.
Persistent intrusive thoughts are not your fault as they are an attempt by your brain to soothe the anxiety and discomfort you are feeling. The unwanted thoughts that plague those with OCD may appear to be soothed by certain actions, however the usual method of applying logical reasoning to resolve the issue is thwarted by the irrationality of the disorder. It is for that reason that therapy is recommended.
There is no shame in seeking help for OCD, as our therapists in Hendon and Canary Wharf will reiterate. Everybody deserves to live life without excessive worry and feelings of distress, and the range of therapies available for OCD at Hendon and Canary Wharf will help you to achieve this goal.
To discuss the treatment available to you, get in touch with the highly trained therapists today by telephone or email. A brighter future awaits you.

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