For many adults with ADHD, the desire and ability to succeed is often dampened by a difficulty in action. This means that staying with a task until fruition, or being able to channel ideas in a productive way can be tricky to do for those with ADHD. Whether you are struggling with time management, goal setting, or general life organisation, professional ADHD coaching can provide the tools and skills required to be successful. Here at Bridges Therapy Centre, we provide coaching for adults with ADHD in London, with the benefits of these services listed below:
· Understand Your Specific Issues
By helping you to understand the ways that ADHD affects your life, coaching can help you to move forwards. Once you start to understand the nature of your specific issues, you can begin to make positive changes.
· Find Solutions to Common Problems
Our transformative coaching in London can help you to implement a range of healthy behaviours, habits and practical systems within your life – all of which are designed to help with various symptoms of ADHD.
· Support With Your Diagnosis
ADHD Coaching can provide support through the often difficult process of getting an ADHD diagnosis. Once you have received this, coaching can also help you through issues that may arise as a result of taking medication.
· Help with Productivity
With so many productivity issues connected to ADHD – including motivation, setting goals, procrastination, prioritising, and timewasting – coaching provides a framework to pursue and achieve the things that you might find difficult otherwise.
· Improve Your Relationships
In some cases, ADHD can have a huge impact on your relationships in life. ADHD coaching can help you to alleviate the negative effects that your condition may have on your relationships.
Coaching for Adults with ADHD in London
Whether you have an official diagnosis, or simply have experience of some of the difficulties associated with ADHD, coaching for adults with ADHD can help you to develop realistic ways to implement change in your life. If you believe that you may benefit from our ADHD coaching services in London, get in touch with our specialist team for your initial consultation.

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