Trichotillomania, commonly referred to as ‘trich’, is a chronic, recurring compulsion to pull hair. For those suffering from trich, it can have a huge impact on all aspects of life and cause significant emotional distress. Although there is no ‘cure’ for the condition, it can be successfully managed with the right therapy, which we offer here at Bridges Therapy Centre in London. Our Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help sufferers to successfully overcome their triggers and compulsions. Below, we have also created a list of things that individuals can do alongside therapy, to help you to deal with your trich symptoms.
· Identify your triggers.
Before hair pulling, you may be aware of internal or external triggers that can lead you to pull hair. These could be easily identifiable specific events that cause anxiety and stress, or simply compulsive urges to deal with imperfections. Identifying these triggers can help you to recognise when your trich flares up, so you can start to retrain yourself to respond to them in a healthier way.
· Separate yourself from your trich.
Although trichotillomania is a compulsive behaviour, it should not define your personality or who you are – these behaviours are separate from you. Thinking about your positive character traits and hobbies can provide a helpful reminder of who you really are, when your trich symptoms may seem all-consuming. Write a list to re-focus your mind during these times.
· Use tools to interrupt your habits.
Hair pulling uses your hands, so giving your hands other things to do can sometimes help. This could be anything from painting your nails, to squeezing a stress ball, or using a fidget spinner. Replacing your hair pulling habits with habits such as this can provide relief from your symptoms.
· Talk with other trich sufferers.
It can be helpful for some sufferers of trich to speak to others who are going through the same thing. Finding and joining a support group either online or in person can provide you with encouragement from others who understand your condition, as well as giving you the opportunity to help others.
Contact our Trich Therapists
If you or someone you know is suffering from trichotillomania, it is always important to seek help from a qualified specialist. Our therapists at Bridges Therapy Centre in Hendon, Canary Wharf and Central London will assess every individual case of trich, determining the right treatment plan to help you overcome your symptoms. Contact our professionals today for more information about how we can help you, on 02080884818, or email
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