Traumas can come in many forms, and so to better the condition psychologists have separated types of traumas into two distinct categories. These function to help a therapist develop a more accurate map to recovery, which could utilise any number of our therapies depending on the situation at hand. Those struggling with trauma should know that help is always available, and the experts at Bridges Therapy Centre in Canary Wharf and Hendon are no exception.
‘Small t’ Trauma
Small t trauma relates to those events which are closely related to events in an individual’s personal life and can relate to anything from the breakdown of a relationship to losing a pet. Small t trauma can also occur because of bullying and harassment. Don’t be fooled by the name, small t traumas can be extremely damaging to an individual’s mental wellbeing and should be approached seriously.
‘Big T’ Trauma
Associated with the causes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), ‘big T’ traumas include those experiences which involve those situations where your life is being threatened, serious injury, or sexual violence. Witnessing these things happen to others or living or working with individuals that experience PTSD or C-PTSD, can also cause ‘big t’ trauma.
Treating Trauma
For those that have experienced trauma, there is help. The team at Bridges Therapy Centre in Canary Wharf and Hendon are highly trained and well-versed in therapies that are evidence-based and proven to be effective regarding treatment for trauma. EMDR, for example, is just one therapy with a focus on healing the mind. By utilising specialised processes and procedures, EMDR works by clearing pathways in the brain that aren’t healing due to being blocked by the event or events. Typically requiring less conversation than traditional talking therapies, EMDR has proven a fantastic option for those that don’t wish to continually relive the events as frequently.
Bridges Therapy Centre
Get in touch for trauma therapy in Canary Wharf or Hendon by contacting us today on 02080884818 or

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