PANDAS Syndrome is a rare neurological condition that can that affect children with symptoms that appear after an infection with Streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat and scarlet fever). The symptoms are similar to those of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and include motor tics, vocal tics, and persistent thoughts or urges. Although many of the treatment options for PANDAS involve the use of prescription medication, studies have also shown that the condition can be successfully treated through psychotherapy.
The symptoms of PANDAS begin suddenly following a strep infection and typically improve over time, although they can worsen again due to repeated strep infections.
At Bridges Therapy Centre in London, we offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as a treatment for children with PANDAS Syndrome. Because CBT is commonly used to treat OCD, it can also be helpful for PANDAS syndrome. In fact, two studies looking at the effective of CBT for PANDAS have both shown a significant reduction in distressing behaviours and symptoms.
Within CBT for PANDAS, our experienced psychotherapists will work to establish the relationships between each child’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This enables the uncovering thought patterns that may contribute to destructive or unhealthy behaviours and beliefs, before establishing new, more constructive ways of thinking.
Coping with PANDAS Syndrome
If you notice that your child has symptoms of PANDAS syndrome, don’t hesitate to seek out the care and treatment from registered professionals. Early identification of the condition can help with the management of PANDAS in the long term, through a combination of medication and psychotherapy. To access PANDAS therapy in London, speak to a member of our team today on 02080884818, or email us at

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